There have been tons of articles and videos on how to stay fit, why is it important and how to do it right but no one says for what reasons you should start.
When fitness comes to our mind, we cannot help but have an image associated with our definition of fitness: Jennifer Aniston or Tom Cruise or a particular body image pops up in our head. Do you know why our new year resolution to stay fit goes down the drain within the first few weeks? It is because our definition of fitness has been distorted all these years. I am sorry to break this to you, but I believe the desire to have a particular physique compared to famous personalities, is not the best way to get started on your fitness goals.
So then, what is fitness?
I would say, it’s a state of our overall being when we feel completely balanced in all dimensions of our life - physically, mentally and emotionally. If you begin working out with the goal of staying active all day, something that helps you manage your stress levels, helps you focus better, improves how your body functions, makes you feel stronger yet calmer, improves your sleep, and most importantly makes you feel happy and energized all day long, it is most likely that you are going to work out consistently in the long-run. When we begin working out with an image in our mind, it is most likely that it takes months or sometimes years to get to that point and it soon discourages us if we do not see any change in our physical appearance. That is the point when we lose patience, get discouraged and give up soon. So I invite you to rather, work out with the aim of feeling better every day and focusing your observation on overall changes instead of measuring changes in physical appearance. And trust me, if you are consistent, one day, “your physical fitness appearance” will follow too. But it is not sustainable in the long-run if you start with your physical appearance in mind.
If you have been thinking for long about regularly working out, I would encourage you to choose any fitness activity of your choice(walking, running, yoga, dancing) and observe how you feel every day when you work out. Notice your thoughts and any difference in your study and work behaviour. Once you feel the changes within yourself, you would automatically be motivated to work out the next day, and then the day after, and so on. Even before you know, you would have built it in your daily routine and this time for the right reasons.
Having said that, you may argue it is lockdown so how should one start and stay motivated? Begin with 10 mins of any activity in the first week. And gradually increase the time. Workout with your friend on a video call if possible. If you need to hear an inspirational story, my friend @Sanika has been working out with me on a video call every day and she has been more consistent with her workout schedule during lockdown than she was ever in her life before! I am so proud of you Sanika, you inspire me!
If you’re looking to start your workout schedule - We follow They have a mix of all kinds of no-equipment workouts (Strength and Conditioning, Boxing, Yoga, Dance fitness, HRX -Muscle endurance, Pilates) for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. You would never get bored!
So please keep working out! Do it for the right reasons. The journey matters more than the destination. Stay strong, healthy and safe!