As a result of quarantine, I had been revisiting my old books and diaries – trying to find my comfort zone through these uncertain times. Quarantine has forced me, to a great extent, to face uncomfortable thoughts and insecurities. The sudden change in the whole schedule of my daily life has led me to rethink about the direction I am headed and an element of fear led by uncertainty. Looking around, there’s panic, people are losing their jobs, businesses are struggling, and there’s a question if Class of 2020 is going to struggle to find their dream jobs?
Well, those are situations and questions that cannot be answered in the present moment. Only because it is uncertain and the situation is beyond anyone’s control. When it comes to uncertainties, we are not very graceful and patient in handling them since we, as human beings always like to control all the situations as much as we can and prefer certainties. These uncertainties have raised a wave of insecure emotions within us that starts with an infinite number of unanswered questions.
I still do not know the answer to those questions, but I would like to share a method that allows me to get comfortable with those uncertainties. I picked this concept a year ago from one of my favourite reads: “A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle”.
“Make peace with the present moment, accept it.” Most of our problems are tied to future made-up situations, which might not ever be true) and we are constantly dwelling in “What ifs”.
If you stop for a moment and ask yourself, “what is the problem I am facing in this very ‘present’ moment?” Most of the times it is None!
Once you realize that, practice gratitude for all that you have. (For starters, if you have food and a place to live, be grateful for that!)
Instead of wanting that moment to be any different from the way it is, which adds to more pain that is already there, is it possible for you to completely accept that this is what you feel right now? This consciousness empowers you.
The next step then is to do whatever you can do, after accepting the present moment without any judgements, in the best of your capacity. In my process, I am aware of the uncontrollable situations and acknowledge those uncertainties.
This has worked for me in the past! Give it a try, and do share if there are any practices you find particularly useful.